The High-Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) spearheaded a crucial collaborative effort from September 4 to 8, 2023, aimed at ensuring the reliability of the Supply and Demand Outlook methodology for both the Department of Agriculture and Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Davao Region.

Davao Region is renowned for its robust agricultural sector, where accurate data plays a pivotal role in informed decision-making. Recent concerns about potential inconsistencies between historical data and supply and demand projections prompted this comprehensive validation activity. The primary objective was to scrutinize the methodology, identify discrepancies, and pave the way for more precise agricultural decision-making.

The team executed a sequence of strategic initiatives. Their engagement commenced with a formal courtesy call to the Provincial Agriculturist, followed by meetings with the HVCDP provincial focal point, during which they meticulously explained the rationale guiding their activities. Subsequently, the team embarked on a rigorous process, characterized by monitoring and validating the LGU methodology for reporting and estimating vegetable supply and demand. This process was meticulously synchronized with the HVCDP’s Supply and Demand outlook to ensure seamless alignment. Throughout these meticulously organized interactions, the team presented the DA-HVCDP methodology and proposals.

The validation effort yielded valuable insights, uncovering issues such as data entry errors and disparities in sufficiency levels within the agricultural outlook. In response, a series of recommendations have been put forth, including the establishment of national guidelines, the utilization of standardized data templates, the implementation of regular field verification, and the continuous refinement of the methodology. Both the Local Government Units and the Department of Agriculture in the Davao Region are committed to embracing these recommendations, ensuring a future characterized by accurate and well-informed agricultural planning.


Christian Almirez

Geronimo Dela Cruz