The High Value Crops Development Program, National Program Management Office (HVCDP-NPMO) and the Department of Agriculture, Regional Field Office (DA-RFO) X recently conducted vital monitoring activities in Northern Mindanao. Their mission: to ensure the seamless execution of the HVCDP in Region X.

Among the beneficiaries that emerged during these efforts is the inspiring Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative. Situated in Sitio Lawlawon, Rogongan, Iligan City, this cooperative, formed in November 2016, is led by Chairman Flabiano Cabasa and boasts 110 individuals working together for specific one goal, crop production. Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative has diversified its portfolio with production areas dedicated to coffee, cacao, and a variety of vegetables.

Chairman Cabasa reveals that the cooperative derives its name, “Sikyop,” from the Higaonon indigenous tribe’s word for “Hidden Paradise.” In its nascent years, the cooperative focused on limited farming activities, with their harvests shared among members for communal sustenance.

A twist of fate emerged when Typhoon Sendong struck Lawlawon, forming an underground river that prompted the cooperative’s expansion. Transforming their territory into an agritourism haven, they now consider Typhoon Sendong a “beautiful disaster” for the opportunities it brought.

Visitors to Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative can partake in guided treks and underground river tours, savor dishes featuring Sikyop’s robusta coffee and homegrown produce at their on-site restaurant, and engage in a variety of agritourism activities. In a nod to sustainability, 10% of the income generated from these activities is earmarked for facility maintenance and improvements.

Beyond agritourism, Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative has diversified its operations, venturing into coffee processing. Their products have gained recognition and are distributed and sold in Metro Manila. Additionally, the cooperative has entered the snack market with its delectable taro chips.

To bolster the ongoing development of Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative, DA RFO X, through its regional HVCDP, has provided crucial support. This assistance includes farm inputs, a coffee grinder, plastic crates, sorting tables, and spring development. Looking ahead, HVCDP through DA-RFO X plans to provide a greenhouse valued at P1 million, with completion anticipated by November of this year.

Sikyop Agricultural Cooperative stands as a beacon of resilience, innovation, and determination in the heart of Lanao del Norte. As it continues to flourish and unveil the treasures of its hidden paradise, this cooperative serves as a symbol of hope and prosperity, demonstrating the incredible potential that can emerge from adversity.


Kenneth Christian Hizole

Jenny Rendora