Puerto Prinsesa – Ensuring the sustainability of the Phase 1 implementation on RISE project, the Department of Agriculture [DA] and Bureau of Corrections [BuCor], the High Value Crops Development Program – National Program Management Office / Regional Field Office Mimaropa [HVCDP-NPMO / RFO4B] and other DA banner programs & BuCor officials and staffs mapped out a Agricultural Development Plan [ADP] on September 27, 2023 at A&A Hotel. The HVCDP NPMO & RFO4B Phase 1 to 2 assisted 40 Persons Deprived of Liberty [PDLs] and 11 private companies-volunteers in its 501 hectares target production area. All reserved with each respectives areas for each different banner programs of DA. From the 501 hectares, 4.5 hectares were declared partially established on the commitment for Phase 1 with its scheduled harvest festival on the month of December 2023. In preparation, the National Implementing Committee [NIC], Regional Implementing Committee [RIC], and the Iwahig Penal Prison Farm [IPPF] Implementing Council are conducting monthly coordination meetings and relevant workshops, such as ADP, to secure partnerships with LGUs, private companies and other DA banner programs. The workshop objectives focused on 5 years sustainability plan, funding and strategies to fully secure the support and commitment from each participating agencies. With representatives from HVCDP-NPMO [4], HVCDP-RFO4B [2], NRP [2], NLP [3], R&D [3] and BuCor [11].

© Jeff Rodriguez – HVCDP PMO