ZAMBALES, PHILIPPINES – The 3rd Luzon Mango Congress was held at Botolan Peoples Plaza in Zambales, with the theme “Highlighting the role of the LGUs in strengthening the mango industry of the Philippines.” The event aimed to discuss the challenges facing the mango industry in the country, particularly the cecid fly infestation that has been affecting the crops.

The congress brought together mango industry stakeholders, experts, exporters, and government officials who shared their knowledge and experiences. One of the key topics of discussion was the use of insecticides, biological control methods, and new technologies like drones to help monitor and control the spread of the pest. Experts emphasized the need for a holistic approach to control the infestation that includes both traditional and innovative control measures.

The congress also highlighted the role of Local Government Units (LGUs) in supporting mango industry stakeholders while the cecid fly problem remains unsolved. LGUs were called upon to provide technical support to farmers and help them adopt best practices to mitigate the effects of the pest. Collaboration between LGUs and industry stakeholders was identified as a critical factor in developing sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the mango industry.

Various speakers shared their expertise on crop management, including pruning, fertilizer application, and pest management. The congress recognized the need for education and knowledge sharing in promoting best practices and improving crop management.

The 3rd Luzon Mango Congress was a platform for stakeholders to come together and discuss the challenges facing the mango industry in the Philippines. The congress highlighted the importance of collaboration and innovation in finding sustainable solutions pest infestation and other challenges facing the industry. The event ended with a renewed sense of optimism and determination to find lasting solutions to the challenges facing the mango industry.

The congress served as a call to action for LGUs, industry stakeholders, and experts to work together to strengthen the mango industry in the Philippines. With the continued support and collaboration of all stakeholders, the mango industry can overcome the challenges it faces and continue to thrive in the country.

Photo: Leonel Limbauan – NHVCDP